Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beginners luck

I fall asleep hoping tomorrow tastes like poems and honeysuckle. I move slow ‘cause the sky looks bluer when you fuck the order of the day or the way the shelves were meant to fit.


I miss my best friend, he comes home in 4 days. These past few days I spent in NYC with my friend Nikki verbally abusing the stinky streets of china town and snacking on cheese popcorn, cheese goldfish, fresh fruit, pinkberry frozen yogurt and sour patch kids. YOU CATCH YA GIRLS LEGS OPEN BETTER SMASH THAT DON'T BE SURPRISED IF SHE ASK WHERE DA SNACKZ AT. Not to mention endless bottles of SmartWater and Evian. I can't imagine life without bottled water or comfortable keds.

Also props to MAX for making me an awesome rap mix!

I cut my finger on a broken glass. My entire being = zero grace. I'm basically the most awkward and clumsy human you will ever meet. It's a good day for me if I haven't acquired a scrape, bruise or stitches.

My bed is too hott, my room is really lonely. I'm ready for fall and tights and sweaters. School to start, time to get nerdy and spend all my time studying and writing papers I love being entirely consumed in school work. I can't wait for frosty fingertips and winter noses, drinking hot chocolate all the time and eating ice cream with gloves.

Officially today I am entirely debt free. That feels VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVunderful.

Who the fuck would ever read this.


Taryn said...

great, now i really want pinkberry

no winners here said...
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